
Hi! I'm inkolore. I am most active on Twitter, and sometimes post on Youtube or my Substack.

  1. Twitter
  2. Youtube vlogs
  3. Substack
  4. Instagram (drawings)

Zenith Finding

Zenith Finding is a webcomic about growth and understanding the bizarre world around us. Follow the young Sophie as she is confronted with the grownup world and ponders about human existence in a world which doesn't make sense to her. Strongly inspired by The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, I wish to speak to the reader's inner child, the one who longs for connection, is endlessly curious, and who never stops asking "Why?".

Zenith Finding cover image
Read here

Faint and Lost Time

A simple webcomic about change and time, and embracing the totality of life, even one's failures and the ugliness of the world.

FLT cover image
Read here

Coworking discord

Coworking Orbits

I'm organizing 2 weekly voice calls, which I plan to maintain as long as I can, to give a space for coworking and talking about challenges in personal projects. The schedule for now is: Saturday @ 9:30 GMT+1 and Sunday @ 19:00 GMT+1.
I find that my productivity tends to plummet when I am by myself for an extended period of time, so if you're like me, you might want to join one of them and see if it helps you focus on your projects.
The setup consists in a period of 2 hours of silent work, with a break in the middle to chat about what people are up to. Of course, feel free to join or leave at any moment depending on your circumstances, and also suggest other times that suit you better.

I call this Coworking Orbits because I find that meeting people on the internet to be much easier when there is a sort of shared "center of mass". There is nothing stopping you from reaching people directly, but what I have found is that people tend to drift from one another if there isn't this shared interest that people orbit around frequently, so this is my attempt at creating such a thing. And even if no one joins I find it useful to have this commitment for my projects.
I prefer hosting the voice calls on Discord because Twitter spaces are not customizable enough (you can't really filter people from joining and listening), but my idea is to launch a silent twitter space each time for visibility.


These are my Substack posts but presented in a different way. I do not update this often, so head to my Substack for the most up-to-date version. This blog serves a way to archive my writing, as well as to organize it better in the future, since a lot of my writing comes in the way of small pieces I dump in my monthly entries.
Link to the blog

Human souls vs parasitic egregores

The main conflict that I explore is the one between the human soul, the conscious spark of the Universe that infuses all humans, and the geist of parasitic egregores, of which society is the biggest one. (see my twitter thread about this too).
The collectives that surround us are predominantly concerned with their own growth, whether it is economical growth for companies, mimetic growth for political movements or the growth of the technological system for society. In practice, this means that human beings are in service of collectives which aren't aligned with human values, and instead are playing a rather meaningless game of expansion for its own sake, which is inherently unsustainable and causes much harm to humans and nature.

As a result of this landscape of problems, I seek to live consciously, in service of what matters most to me, which is a combination of freedom, creativity and love, which we could simplify into a spectrum of a single quality: Freedom with an upper case 'F', where one pole is more focused on individual agency (freedom), and the other on more selfless relationships (love).

It is very surprising (and sad) the extent to which most people do not spend their time, energy and attention on what they care about, instead their attention is hijacked by news intended to outrage people, or social media designed to make their users addicted, or they are too tired by their soulless job to focus on projects that interest them, and so on. As a direct consequence of this, I wish to be someone who can embody this great tweet by @Visakanv:

Focus your time and energy on what you want to see more of.